Do You Want The NDP To Win? Ignore This Email & They Will

We NEED ONLY $25,000 More For Victory!
Conservatives in Calgary and Alberta need to learn from the recent municipal election and fund conservative groups not just the party.
We lost city hall because we were out gunned by Union money.
The radical left and Unions get this and they are winning at the School Board, Council, Provincial and Federal levels because of it.
We started just a few weeks back and the support has been encouraging, but we need just a little more to get over the finish line.
The website came out a little late and organizing the volunteers etc. has been massive, but we are proving to change the tide!
Here are some successes to date:
- We texted Danielle Smith the idea for the signs such as Cut Taxes etc. in response to the NDP parity campaign "What Will She Do Next". This effectively embarrassed the NDP parity campaign. See the initial post on May 4, 2023 We appreciate the UCP war room swiftly acting on this. In this race we are all united.
- With permission from the landlord, we put up signs on the Campaign office of 2 NDP candidates in Calgary see
- We have recruited over 70 active Callers and Doorknockers that are working daily.
- We have made over 23,000 calls in 5 constituencies.
- We have door knocked over 27,000 doors in targeted swing NDP areas that we could lose in Calgary.
- We have run a massively successful Social Media campaign exposing over 101,852 Albertans to our message.
- We did lots of research exposing the NDP Lies and revealed the Truth. See .We have been told by UCP candidates that is the website that they promote at the doors because it is not just party propaganda, but facts from small business owners and taxpayers.
The NDP has many Third Party Advertisers (TPA) / Political Action Committees (PAC) out working hard against the UCP and we are one of the few conservative groups actually doing the heavy lifting. We are not wasting time on emails and newsletters, but actual campaigning. See
This is the most important election in Alberta's history and the NDP and their allies have run a very, very effective campaign.
In order to compete with Union money, we NEED you! We do not force people to give us money and we do not feed at the public trough!
Where will your money be going in the final days:
- Organizing a massive Literature drop.
- Recruiting and sending out volunteers to door knock undecided / unknowns and our own supporters.
- Recruiting and using volunteers for GOTV calls.
- And a massive spend on Social Media to get Undecided, Unknowns, Millennials and Generation Z exposed to the NDP lies. This will be focused on just a few constituencies in Calgary that are tight.
- Accurate polling shared with all Albertans using an actual proven scientific methodology and not just on-line Surveys.
Check out in detail and help us in all or one of the following 4 ways:
- Drop GOTV Doorhangers in assigned areas. We provide the list and locations and a great software program to help you complete the task in a prompt manner.
- Door Knock voters in assigned areas. We provide the list and locations and a great software program to help you complete the task in a prompt manner.
- Call Voters in assigned areas. You can even do this from your home, office or join us at our headquarters in Calgary SE. We provide the list and locations and a great software program to help you complete the task in a prompt manner.
- Donate to (Even if you have maxed out your donations to the UCP, you can still donate to us). Any amount is appreciated! Even $10 will get our message to 100 voters in Calgary with our targeted campaign. Donate at
Do nothing and the well funded left wins.
We are almost there and NEED your help! We have people donating from all over Alberta. Your money may be spent in Calgary, but Calgary is where we will win or lose this election! We lose Calgary and we lose Alberta!
Make a donation today!
Phone: 587-329-0523